Freelance sub editing, proof

strapt magazine, Company reports, product catalogues

Having gained many years of experience as a B2B magazine editor I realised that I had an particular aptitude as a sub editor and I decided to go freelance. I signed on with some agencies in London and worked as a sub editor on commercial magazines, advertisements, product catalogues, and company reports. My skills include:

• Editing copy to remove spelling mistakes and grammatical errors • Rewriting material so it reads better and adheres to house style  Ensuring that copy fits a particular word count  • Writing headlines, standfirsts and captions • Liaising with reporters, journalists and editors • Checking copy to ensure it is accurate, adheres to copyright laws, isn’t libellous or goes against the publication’s policy • Cropping photos in Photoshop • Proofreading • Working to a page plan • Laying out pages • Manipulating on-screen copy using software, such as Quark Express, InDesign and Photoshop • Keeping up to date with sector issues  Working to tight deadlines  Adapting  these skills for a publication’s website.


Strapt front cover
Strapt page
Srapt page
Strapt page
sample front cover of company brochure
business report
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