
NCTJ production journalism

I went on this course to update my skills as a sub editor. We learnt to work quickly, reading news stories and creating snappy headlines and straplines to engage the reader while ensuring fonts and house styles were adhered to. We then edited the copy in InDesign to sharpen it and remove any legal or ethical content. Photos were cropped and resized using Photoshop and quotes and captions were created. We also had to adapt headlines for use on the paper’s website to optimise them for online searches (SEO). At the final stage we thoroughly proofread the pages. Details of the exam are below.

NCTJ example newspaper page
NTCJ exam requirements
NTCJ exam details
newspaper page

digital skills diploma level 2, Excel 2016

I decided to do this Diploma to update my digital publishing skills. I used InDesign to create posters and newsletters and Illustrator and Photoshop to manipulate and enhance photos and graphics. I designed and market researched an app. I created and wrote a blog site and this website was created by myself in WordPress. I also learnt a lot about website design and SEO, social media marketing, copyright and other legal issues. 

I have recently completed the Advanced Excel 2016 course to improve my data analysis using techniques such as formulas, conditional formatting, VLOOKUP, Pivot tables and charts, IF statements, and cell referencing.

My Turn to Cook app
picture of website storyboard
document showing copyright issues
Table showing website planning schedule
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